Monday, October 13, 2008


At work, we're undergoing a radical transformation to our computer support. I won't go into a huge amount of detail, so suffice it to say that we're transitioning to a grossly inefficient, inept, costly program called "ODIN" (outsourcing desktop initiative something-or-another). Rather than it be the responsibility of each researcher to determine when he or she requires updated computers and/or software, and what the best "bang for the buck" system might be best suited for our needs, we are now required to all filter everything through a contractor that, for an outrageous fee, will purchase the computers we need at their inflated prices at the time periods they deem is necessary. So for the last 6 months, we have been going through the "transition" period, consisting of personal interviews and ordering of the new systems we are paying for (many times over).

As another example of why I do not think I am paranoid that I have become the epitome of an afterthought, at this time, ODIN has announced it has completed all of the interviews and transitioning required for my division. Oh. Except for - me. In my case, not a word, not a request for an interview, not an email has come my way. Despite sending multiple emails and talking in person to our POC multiple times, asking why the hell I was being ignored (in more polite terms than that), I have yet to receive a SINGLE correspondence from ODIN. I feel like I'm in a glass, sound-proof room and I'm pounding on the walls in abject frustration while the rest of the world on the other side is eating bon-bons out by the pool, and occasionally laughing at the naive dork in the glass room who is going nuts. You KNOW I will be receiving a bill for service too. Wanna take bets of if I decide to pay it or not? Did you see "Horton Hears a Who?"
"I am HERE, I am HERE, I am HEEERREE!!!!!!!"

It just seems ridiculous. I mean, what the hell?

On the non-work side, I reduced my volunteer work from president of the PTA to chair of a single committee (Reflections - for those 'in the know.') I called everyone who indicated on their beginning of the year volunteer forms that they would be interested in helping. I had a committee meeting at my house and determined concrete responsibilities for each person.

Nada work, nada email, nada response to multiple requests for updates on whether they've finished up what they told me they would do.

I suppose I never should have veered from the pessimistic view that you can't trust ANYONE. Seriously. We're pretty much on our own in this world. If you want something to be done? Do it yourself. Nobody is going to take a second out of their day to make things easier for you.

Those who expect that will be the case are naive dorks. Like the one in the soundproof glass cage over there. She's learned this lesson many times over but keeps returning to run into that brick wall again and again. I'm not sure if we should laugh at her ignorance or pity her for her naivity.

What. Me in a bad mood? Ya think?


wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

I know the feeling. How do people live with themselves? And if you were to be just like them, you'd get the blame for not doing anything, wouldn't you? I have no answers for you. Just know you're not alone.

Lynne Thompson said...

Could it be that at work you are not on the list of "fulltime-ers"? An oversight? Sheesh.

And the PTA thing--it's NOT you, it's more like stressed people, busy Fall and people lately needing MULTIPLE reminders for things (did you?) --It's crazy, I know...LT

Anonymous said...

YIKES...being in the glass sound proof room bites. That's the way it is here where I work...if you are part-time you are almost non-existant.