Thursday, October 16, 2008

getting old

Dear Everyone,

There is somebody in my life that is expecting me to do something for them tonight. I can't remember who you are or what it is that I am to do, but I clearly remembering thinking through my week and focusing on Thursday, with a response to you of something like "Thursday should be fine. I have nothing scheduled, so Yes. I can."
Your face and the deed have totally escaped my memory. Please send a reminder!




J said...

Oh, dear.

Well, if it helps, it wasn't me.

I'm doing that a lot lately. And making every effort to attribute it to other things - busyness with work or the kids, the stress of this election season, etc.

Good luck figuring it out.

Anonymous said...

I think you're doing pretty good. I wouldn't remember promising anything to anybody. :)

Holly Jahangiri said...

Jen, hon, that was me, and it was last week - and you did it already. Remember?


Your brain's just looping back to be sure there are no loose ends. It's all good!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jen, it was actually me. You said, "Sure Mare, I can loan you $15,000. I'll have it by next Thursday night."

I'm waiting.

ssdx5 said...

Wow...Mare...I wish I had gotten mine in first. My favorite line to tell people is..."sure, I can do that...send me an email to remind me...if it's not on my email--it doesn't exist!"

Lynne Thompson said...

OMG can I relate:-) Hope you remember. I swore the PTA meeting this week was today (it was yesterday--whoops!) In aged sympathy, LT

Kanga Jen said...

Thank you everyone, for your kind comments. Except for Mare. :-)

Mom - lol...True, at least I remembered there was SOMETHING happening.

No one ever called, and nothing tragic happened. So it's all good.