Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I can't stand it

My political posts these last few months have focused almost exclusively on the travesty that is otherwise known as Sarah Palin. I figured enough was enough, and I've tried to lay off. But I cannot stand it anymore. You may (or may not) remember something I posted last month about Governor Palin's answer to a question posed at a stop for cheesesteaks in Philadelphia. The question dealt with whether the US military should cross the border from Afghanistan into Pakistan to hunt down terrorists. She responded (I'm quoting): "If that's what we have to do stop the terrorists from coming any further in, absolutely, we should." I used that as an example of her utter lack of preparation and knowledge about this campaign (not to mention foreign policy) because her answer was in line with what Senator Barack Obama believes, and not what Senator McCain believes.

OK, keep that little episode in mind and consider the following from CNN news today:
Sarah Palin’s pointed criticism of Barack Obama’s foreign policy agenda Tuesday morning included a swipe at Obama’s stated commitment to strike at terrorists inside Pakistan’s borders if they are in the sights of the American military.

“Senator Obama has also advocated sending our U.S. military into Pakistan without the approval of the Pakistani government,” Palin said. “Invading the sovereign territory of a troubled partner in the war against terrorism.”

Oh, the hypocricy, the ignorance, the ridiculousness of it all simply boggles the mind. I wrote about a dozen posts in my head during my drive home from work today, all in response to similar ridiculousness on the "honorable" (dripping sarcasm) Governor Palin's part. I'll limit it to just this for now, since my original intent was, after all, to try to lay off. But gracious. What boggles my mind even MORE is that there are actually people out there who intend to vote for her. She could be running this country. Are these people, in fact, actually ok with that idea? (faint)

Edited to add: I just checked out a friend's blog who is discussing and comparing the RNC's (and McCain's very vocal) stance on earmarks versus the incredibly honorable Governor Palin's actual actions. Check this and this if you're interested.

Edited again because I posted the wrong link up there under the "something I posted" line. (See how frazzled I am??!!)


Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer! I was just checking in with your blog after a long absence. I am right there with you!! I am to the point where it almost isn't healthy for me to watch the news because I can't believe what I am seeing/hearing and I get so incredibly angry. The idea that this woman could actually be vice president scares me. I am just dumbfounded that more people don't see it! - Karin

Kanga Jen said...

Oh my gosh - Karin!!! NEW MOMMY KARIN!!!! I couldn't understand your phone number from when you left a message months ago. I've been wanting to talk to you again - Congratulations!!!! Please write me an email or call. I don't have any contact information for you...