Thursday, September 25, 2008

so, like, RANDOM, dude

J tagged me.

The rules:
1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules on the blog.
3) Write six random things about yourself.

At this point, I'm gonna be a rebel and NOT tag the requisite six people.
I hope this isn't like a chain letter. If I don't pass it along, what? - the climate will start to irreversibly change, bringing out mass extinctions and putting unmanageable stress on the world's food and water supplies, and the U.S. economy will begin to crumble, with worries of the Great Depression on the tips of every journalist's tongue??

Six random things about me:

1) I absolutely detest gossiping about people and passing judgment. Those two things are immature and do more to narrow the scope of meaningful connections than just about anything else I can think of. However, they are a guilty pleasure. It does not really take all that much to draw me into a "gossipy" discussion. I nearly always end up with a distaste-hangover afterwards, yet I persist in being dragged in.

2) I took exactly ONE sip of alcohol in high school. It was at best friend Mare's house, and 2 seconds later, the doorbell rang. It was her priest. I'm not kidding. The timing was perfect. We never again tried alcohol together.
Well, not until college.
(And Mare, now that I've linked to your blog, you're going to HAVE to update it again...
Oh, oh - here's an idea! Mare, I've tagged YOU!!!)

3) I love canned ravioli, cooked in a pot with cubes of monterey jack cheese and pickled jalepeno peppers. That, and a can of Diet Dr. Pepper and the internet and I'm good to go for at least two hours.

4) If you cross one of my children, I will never forgive you. Literally. And I am, in general, a very forgiving person. More about this later.

5) I am unable to cheat in board games. But I will purposefully lose on occasion to let my children win. Why do I not also consider that cheating? Isn't it just as dishonest?

6) I turn into a total banshee at the sound of smacking gum. Seriously. I C.A.N.N.O.T. stand it. I considered divorcing DH for buying the kids huge packs of bubble gum once. I yelled at my sweet daughter just last night as we were buying her best friend an itunes internet gift card because she was smacking gum in my ear. The new student in my office smacks gum. I literally stuck my fingers in my ears the other day when she started, and I think she got the message because she hasn't done it again. I'm a bit embarrassed, but it got the point across.


J said...

Ditto on #4.

Anonymous said...

Ok, ok, I'll update. Thanks for sharing with the world about that priest, Father Gartig. He was the one that preached about divorce and homosexuality at my sister's wedding. Charming guy, that priest. You left out the part about us asking if he wanted a drink and then standing behind the refrigerator door eating celery to get the Lancer's wine off our breath while he sat in the den. We were so lame.

Lynne Thompson said...

I agree with #4, and it's so shocking how strong this is. I have never known anger like it. I not only will never forgive the person, I will briefly consider murder:-) LT