Saturday, September 20, 2008


I'm nabbing the experiment that this blogger is doing, and am going to try to post at least a photo every day.

It's sleepover night. I took three 9 year old girls for pedicures, then picked up a pizza. They're in the sunroom now, chomping on pizza and root beer and gossiping. It's going to be a long night...


Anonymous said...

It's funny how I miss the "trying" times of raising 3 little girls. But I love the memories.

Holly Jahangiri said...

I STILL have flashbacks to a sleepover with FIVE Fifth Grade girls back when the Spice Girls were HOT, HOT, HOT...

Spice Girls Movie on in the living room, karaoke in the music room, little elephant feet RUNNING back and forth ALL @#$% night. 'nuff said?

So glad those days are over. Really. Do. Not. Miss. Them.
