Sunday, September 14, 2008

my comments on being manipulated

First, thank you to all who have asked about my family in Texas. They are all well, per a couple of quick cell phone calls this afternoon. None of them have electricity at the moment, and I've heard rumors that it could be as much as 3 to 4 weeks before power is restored to all of the greater Houston area. Mom and Dad are well stocked up on peanut butter and diet root beer and have an ongoing battle of Gin-Rummy, so they should be OK for the time being. In my opinion, Houston and Galveston got off lucky on this one though. But for the flap of a butterfly's wing, it could have been so much worse.

Once I learned not to be a scared little rabbit sometime after high school, I discovered that deep down, I was actually fiercely independent. When asked to name the single most trait that I hold in the highest importance, the answer comes immediately to me: honesty. As a result of these two truths, I find that I am most comfortable when people are direct and up front with me. I detest trickery, I react violently to passive aggressive behavior, and I will walk away from games.

When I feel as if I am being manipulated, I become very angry.

Both major political parties are in the "business" with the sole intent of winning the election in November. I know that. Every word that is uttered, every appearance with children in hand, every kiss bestowed on the spouse, every sound bite repeated on the evening news has been orchestrated. Elections have become a contest of media manipulation. These are all things I realize. However, the selection of Sarah Palin as the vice presidential nominee for the Republican party has left me feeling very manipulated and very angry. Prior to being named as nominee for the second most powerful position for the most powerful nation in the world, I had not heard her name. I see the selection of this generally unknown, untested woman for VP, without any opportunity for public vetting as an essential a slap in the face to the American public. How am I to view it as otherwise? I resent that John McCain and the rest of the Republican party players believe that it is acceptable to throw an unknown into the mix with only 2 months remaining until elections.

John McCain, you are wrong - this is not acceptable. I feel manipulated and that makes me angry. I cannot imagine that you would come up with the name "Sarah Palin" as the best candidate for Vice President of the United States. Rather, you came up with her name from the equivalent of a computerized checklist. You determined she had the best shell design for playing this political game. She filled your check list for religious affiliation, to attract the conservative voters you cannot connect with. She is a lifetime member of the NRA and an avid hunter, to attract the bubba constituents you don't. She is a woman, which plays perfectly into your desire to attract the frustrated Hillary Clinton supporters. She has 5 children and is a "hockey mom" and attractive to boot, which plays into the "celebrity" bent that you and yours use have used to demean Barack Obama. I cannot see any reason that you would select this unknown and untested woman to be a heartbeat from running the most powerful nation in the world other than the fact that she fits like a glove into your political game.

For the record, I used to have a smidgen of respect for John McCain. How can you NOT respect a past POW, someone who laid his freakin' LIFE on the line for this country? I thought that perhaps he personified the best of the GOP, that he was maybe really in this because he thought he could make things better for our country. However, his selection of Sarah Palin has left me with no doubt that he is beholden to the policicos. He's playing the game.

You don't throw in a total unknown at the last minute when you respect the electorate. You don't do that.


J said...

It's so angering. You did a great job of putting the feelings and the issues to words.

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I have power and water now, but the stores still don't have any milk, meat, eggs, etc. It's weird to not eat what I want. Ravioli it is tonight. Again. Love, Tra

Anonymous said...

I love watching what Palin's name does to people. Go Palin. What's there to be angry about?! Because she comes across as hmmm, intelligent, pretty, a mom, a friend....scary, hug? :) I love it. I may not agree with all her views and I may not even vote for her but I certainly don't want all the hate that seems to be running to Obama :) Listen to yourselves.

Kanga Jen said...

Hi anonymous,
I have no problem with Sarah Palin's intelligence, prettiness, or the fact that she is a mom. She's probably a great mom. I thought I laid it out there pretty well in this post about what makes me angry about her nomination, and none of that plays into it.

To foist a virtual unknown into the mix and then so strictly keep her away from the media - there have been virtually NO interviews of much substance with her - that enrages me. We don't know much about Sarah Palin's views and the RNC seems frightened to have us learn more. I never support voting from ignorance, and that is what this nomination seems geared for. Maybe the reason folks talk about the way she looks and the fact that she's a mom is because they don't know much more about her than that. I find THAT incredibly scary and it's what inspires my anger.

Holly Jahangiri said...

"I never support voting from ignorance, and that is what this nomination seems geared for."

Voting from, or voting FOR?

ANY politician who cannot speak clearly (I don't even ask for eloquence) about the issues without sounding like they've just had a talking-points brain-dump on air scares me. I thought it was bad that Bush couldn't learn to pronounce "noo-klee-er" instead of "noo-kyu-lar" after eight years of consistent coaching, but Palin makes him look sharp as a tack.