Tuesday, August 15, 2006

still around

Wow - you all are making me feel great! I've had several people ask after me since it's been so long since I've posted. My parents are visiting us this week, so I've been busy playing dominos and picking blueberries and peaches and having rib barbeques with them. I'll be back to my regular life schedule again soon.

In the meantime, thanks for asking about me!


Anonymous said...

Awwww, I wanna be there! Give them a hug from Marn!

PS. I've been checking your blog every day too and wondering where you were.

Anonymous said...

There you are! Glad to see that your folks are up there with you and ya'll are having a good time. I figured that you were busy being super Mom with school just starting and all that fun stuff. Did your Mom make you clean out the van? LOLOLOL....I still laugh about that everytime I look in the back seat and see my kid's stuff all over the place. LOL...

Tell your folks hello.
