Saturday, August 26, 2006

off to see the rain king

I'm working on a way to end my bout of melancholy.

Counting Crows and Goo Goo Dolls. Monday night.
A long December and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last
I can't remember all the times I tried to tell myself
to hold on to these moments as they pass

I'm taking my whole family, which is kind of insane since it's a 1.5 hour drive to get there (and that's after I drive home for 45 minutes after work to pick the kids up before retracing my path back toward the concert), it will mean a very late night during the work week when we're already all kind of on the edge because we're so exhausted. And I'll have to take some leave to do it, which I really don't have very much left of. Oh, plus it's the night of my first PTA meeting, and as treasurer, I'm to present the audit of last year's books, the final treasurer's report from last year, and the proposed budget for this year. And the ticket prices are, well, quite a bit more than I paid for concerts when I was a lot younger. It's going to be hot tomorrow, and it's an outdoor amphitheater.

So there are lots of reasons not to go.
When I think of heaven
Deliver me in a black-winged bird
I think of flying down into a sea of pens and feathers
And all other instruments of faith and sex and God
In the belly of a black-winged bird.
Don't try to feed me
I've been here before
And I deserve a little more

And one reason to go. Their music speaks to me and makes me happy. One of their songs came on the radio yesterday and I looked at DH and said "I have to go." There are very few bands I feel that way about.

So I worked it all out with our PTA prez and bought the tickets today.

Caught some grief from a falling leaf
As she tumbled to the dirty ground
And said I should have put her back there if I could

Well everyone needs a better day
And I'm trying to find me a better way
To get through the the things I do and the things I should

This was a good decision. The Counting Crows is one of those bands that can make me cry. I hope I do.


Anonymous said...

Oh man. Now I'm envious. Have a terrific time. And if they do "A Long December" or "Sullivan Street," please flick your Bic and sway back and forth and think of me.

Kanga Jen said...

You bet! I already think of you when I hear A Long December (and of COURSE they'll do it. I can't imagine them not!)

I'd really like to hear Daylight Fading, but I haven't seen that it's on their playlist for this. I wish they'd do Accidentally In Love, especially for E, but I don't they're doing that one either.