Tuesday, January 16, 2007

of all the audacity

Am I weird to actually get chills over watching and listening to this man? Or am I just someone else with the audacity to hope?


JeepGirl said...

I'm with you, sister. OBAMA 2008 will be the only bumper sticker I will have ever actually placed on a vehicle of mine. I have never been more interested in politics. Hilary should be shaking in her boots because Barack is red-hot right now. I'm SO campaigning for him. I'm reading his book now.

Kanga Jen said...

Which one? I have his first one but not his second. I hope he's really as awesome as he seems. You think we're just needing someone great so much that we're making him up?

I don't think we are. I will never forget seeing him in the haze of my waking up in a Baltimore hotel room and hearing him at the 2004 convention. I was sobbing. I watched him and thought "Finally."

J said...

Thought of this on my drive to work this morning. We here is Mass. had a glimmer of what it feels like when hope actually wins.


He ran an exceptional campaign - no nasty advertising, totally built on the belief that we can make it better if we work together. The campaign slogan was "Together We Can." Even complimented his rival when she turned nasty in a debate.


I want this feeling for our whole country.

Kanga Jen said...

Oh, that is awesome. What a concept - you mean he acted civilized and intelligent and refused to pander to the Jerry Springer crowd?

Yay Mass.!!

DH and I sure would like to live up there one day...

J said...

Come on up!

'Course, I'm partial to my area of MA. (www.gurnetroad.com has some lovely images of our region - and keep pressing F5 to refresh or poke through the Gallery)