Friday, June 27, 2008

again with the 100s

For part of this incredibly hot hot hot scorcher of a day, I was smart. During this part, I took the kids to see "Wall-E." Other than my silently bursting into tears at the movie's depiction of the fate of the earth and at the way this gift of the earth was presented as an awesome and precious thing to be cultivated...other than that, it was a nice and good (and cool) time. (If you are wondering, I hid my tears by making the kids stay and watch the credits. They didn't care. It gave them more time to finish off their SECOND tub of popcorn. That was today's lunch. My summer mom-persona is a tad more relaxed about these sorts of things than my normal mom-persona is.)

The other part of the day, however, I wasn't so smart. Daughter E wanted us to take Roxy out to "fossil beach" (a stretch of beach along the river out at the state park). I told her in my most patient mother voice: "Well, dear, it's probably too hot for that." But like a wuss, I allowed her to talk me into it, basically because she's been all about "mommy connection" lately, and I'm trying to soak it up as much as possible. (Q stayed home in our new papasan chair watching TV in the air conditioning, clever boy).

Anyway, here are some photos from today. While they may look happy and cheery, in reality, E and I were snarking at each other most of the time, and Roxy was about to collapse from the heat. We carted in plenty of water (and a dog dish) but honestly, 100 degrees is way too hot for hiking. I knew that already, but proved it once again. (I had fun trying out the new camera).

Requisite wildlife close-up: (this was one I took up by the Visitor's Center where I had to make an emergency run to fetch paper towels because E let Roxy poop at the main path, despite my warning her to PLEASE watch out for that. I was still pissed so was wasting time, making E wait a little longer. I am a very mature mother.


I liked the birds in this photo, but wasn't able to snap on my zoom lens quickly enough to get them. I love this whole beach, with the grasses and fallen trees.

I love, love, love this little cove. It is straight out of my kid-daydreams. This is the place I would make my camp when I was thrust cruelly and suddenly into the world to survive on my own. There would be a bubbly spring back out in the woods withe cool and fresh water to drink. Crabs and sand fleas did not exist. It was never 100 degrees there, either.

Easily the most amazing, beautiful and awesome thing on the beach today.

This is what the bluffs look like all along the way. It frightens me.

My girl and her dog.


Anonymous said...

Those ar really good photos J! Looks like you found the Portrait setting, that always makes you look like a pro! That cove looks like something painted in a children's book, very day-dreamy. Great pic of E too! I would never have known it was 100 degrees and mostly miserable!

Ruthie said...

You have a beautiful daughter.

Kanga Jen said...

Thank you, Mare and thank you Ruthie. I recognize I may have my biases when it comes to E, but I think she is stunning. (That is, when she's not provoking her brother. Good gosh. Q pinched her leg or something this afternoon, so E has been walking around on crutches all afternoon, just to annoy him.)