Tuesday, March 13, 2007

tag you're it

I was tagged by my friend J. She's just the most awesome person - I "met" her through an internet email list of moms who were all due to have babies in March of 1996. I missed March by a day, and so did she. Our first-borns arrived on the same exact day. She has always been so incredibly nice to me - I remember very fondly a conference I had in Newport, RI many years ago, where she came to meet me and took me to a winery and then to a beach complete with multiple kites sailing in the wind over the absolutely perfect day. It was one of the first times I'd left my baby Q, and I was discombobulated in a big way, but just her presence was very calming for me.

Anyway, she tagged me with the following question: "What are 5 reasons that you blog?"

Hmmm. Good question.

I blog because I love to write. I love to edit. I love to create. I always have, but have not always given myself "permission" to do it for fun. This blog gives me the opportunity to write creatively, as opposed to technically, which I do all the time at work. I blog to write for myself.

I blog to keep in touch with my family. The world is so large and so small, thankfully. My family lives far away, but through my blog I feel like I'm closer to them. Even when they don't respond, I know they are reading and I feel happy and heard knowing that. I can share pictures of my kids (their grandchildren, nieces and nephews), and know I've not gone overboard in the "proud mama" thing...because they are my family and this is my way of sharing my life with them. I have to have that connection.

I blog to keep in touch with my friends who are my world. I am lucky enough to have friends scattered around the entire globe. Most I have met in person - but some I have not. Some I have known practically my entire life - some I have not. Through this blog, I have a way to stay in touch with this village that rocks my world. It's diverse, it's interesting, it's amazing (I'm speaking of my personal village, not my blog...lol)

I blog to keep myself wondering. I never want to feel like I've got it all figured out. When my sense of curiousity is gone, I will be gone too. I blog to stay curious.

I blog to be heard. There are some things that I feel like I have an important voice on - global warming, liberal spirituality. I don't think I will ever impact the world, but I do have aspirations of touching someone who stumbles upon my blog through a search or a link and finds something helpful.

I am now supposed to tag three others. OK.
Mama Moose.

Check out their blogs. They're all very awesome, and I have other blogs just as awesome on my links list.

1 comment:

J said...

You said such nice things about me that I am sitting here blushing. :-)

It was fun visiting that winery so long ago. We visit it yearly at least.

Thanks for playing tag!