Saturday, January 10, 2009


I've always been in awe of the natural responses of our bodies - evolution is a beautiful thing. The pumping of adrenaline at times of crisis, vomiting at the ingestion of poison, sneezing...

So why is it that at the times when you most need to be fully aware and filled with boundless energy that my body reacts with insomnia?

It's going to be a long, long next few weeks.


JeepGirl said...

Uh oh. Sorry Jen. That sucks.

Lynne Thompson said...


Snowbrush said...

Maybe it's because we're also complex and fragile, and the older we get the more problems we have as systems deteriorate. Sort of like an old car. Some aren't put together that well from the beginning, but all succumb eventually. Of course, cars can be fixed.

Kanga Jen said...

I suspect it's less "body" and more "mind" (if I can even make that distinction).