Friday, November 07, 2008

my afternoon walk

I spent the afternoon walking by myself at the state park just down from my house. East coast autumns. (sigh)

"If you're walking down the right path, and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress"
(Barack Obama)

Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.
(Henry David Thoreau)

"The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration."
(Claude Monet)

For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. (Carl Sagan)

"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here."

“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree”
(Emily Bronte)

"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you."
(Frank Lloyd Wright)


J said...

What beautiful photos - an quotes!

I particularly like the composition in that last photo, with the boardwalk creating movement in the frame.

Anonymous said...

I love the boardwalk photo! Our leaves are all gone now, everything is dead and bare now. Great photos! And of course, the quotes are beautiful.

ssdx5 said...

And here...our leaves are still mostly green...just starting to turn a little...should be changed and dead within about another week. LOL Texas and the changing of the season...sad...that's all I have to say about it. To live someplace with REAL seasons must be incredible!

Anonymous said...

Wow those are gorgeous pictures!


Kanga Jen said...

Aw - thank you all!!!!

I had fun finding the quotes. They seemed to just fit perfectly. Of course you can't really go wrong with Sagan. I tried Nietzsche, but nothing matched (possibly good since though I feel such a strong attachment to so many of his feelings, others just make me puke.I don't know whether I really like him or not!)