Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm here...

I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. It's Mare's fault for getting me to join facebook so blame her.

We're all doing well, and it's looking to be a very nice holiday season, with visits from friends and family in abundance. The first order of business is Thanksgiving, in which my littlest sister and her daughter (E's age) will come visit us. No matter how old and responsible she is, she will always be the baby in my mind - poor Seester Tra. I have a turkey in the fridge and have invited a boatload of people (who may or may not be able to come), but that's the extent of my planning so far. I did notice that E was curled up on the couch watching Altan Brown last night and was taking notes, so she will probably dictate to me what our meal will be.

I'll try to refocus energy here in the future, but you can still continue to blame Mare.


Lynne Thompson said...

How fun! You sound so happy and psyched...what a great holiday to look forward to...LT

JeepGirl said...

Uh. Thanks for calling me out on that one. You can expect NO Flair from me this week as punishment. And you're the 2nd member of your family that's been rude to me this week.

Kanga Jen said...

Thanks Lynne. :-) Don't know if I'm happy and psyched yet, but I will be, especially when baby sister Tra gets here. I love Thanksgiving!

Mare - I told dad about the dream with him smoking. He thought it was hilareous. And what video did he send you? You didn't send it to me....

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't poor seester Tra me. I am the lucky one who has you to look up to. You are so easy to respect and be proud of. I still feel the same admiration for you that I did when I was litttle...

JeepGirl said...

Aww Tra, that was sweet. Group hug everybody! Ok, your dad sent a You Tube video to me of a guy blowing smoke at the camera over and over, which I thought was very clever and hip and Techy of him to do. LOL.

JeepGirl said...

By the way, here's the link to the video he sent:

Kanga Jen said...

PS -

Tra, I cannot WAIT for you to get here!! And none of this "admiration" stuff. Don't make me get all choked up. Just come visit us and bring your gorgeous, delightful daughter. (E is about to EXPLODE she is so excited. She is counting down the hours now)