(J writes here encouraging those of us lucky enough not to be unemployed at the moment to not become too cautious of spending. It's a cornerstone of our economy. If you can, then do.)
My heart is totally warmed by this couch, by the way, as the MOMENT the delivery guys put the couch in the sunroom, E grabbed pillows and blankets and a good book, and she has been parked there ever since. She's claimed her spot.
Note, at the time of this photo, E temporarily moved to the papasan chair because she wanted a snack and I'm forbidding food or drink on the new couch for a while. Wow - the walls REALLY need some color and some artwork, don't they? Regardless, Oh, I love our sunroom.
Wow, that is a nice looking room! It's very warm and inviting and the views are so nice out the windows! The plants look great in there. You did a great job of decorating, but yeah, needs some color on the walls. Maye a nice caramel color or a rusty color. I love it!
With the afternoon sun, the room looks warm and inviting. Can I come over?
J - please do come over! I just opened a bottle of Lemberger. John found a winery in Oregon that will ship to us, and Lemberger is the same grape as the Blaufrankish that I LOVED in Austria. Unfortunately, it's just not quite as to-die-for as I remember it was in Austria. (I'm sure simply BEING in Austria, sitting out amongst sunflowers at local wineries added more than a little.)
Mare - I haven't really decorated much at all yet other than the sofa. The sun coming in over the wood floors isn't something I can take credit for and it's what I think makes the room look so nice. ;-) I want to get some shelves to start putting some of my canned products on - I think that would look pretty. And I definitely want a water fountain in there. And lots of funky art on the walls - in warm colors.
I wish you were both going to be here for Thanksgiving!!!!
(Mare, I'm still crossing my fingers about the inauguration. How about we go halvsies on the plane ticket and that'll be my Christmas present to you. Seriously????)
Ooh it looks so comfy! Wish I were there.
Thank you Kira. I wish you were here, too.
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