Tuesday, June 26, 2007

what day is it now?

Still here...

Life is crazy, but more so for my neighbors than for me. We're still in the midst of the Grand Month-long Send-off (tm) to my friends B&K. I know I am totally exhausted so I can't imagine how B&K feel, or neighbors M and family who are not only hosting B&K (and family and dogs) for a week before they leave, but are also hosting my family and assorted others who are taking full advantage of their kind natures and can't seem to leave them all alone.

I started the coffee going this morning, checked on daughter E's nose (which got whacked with a falling glass lid yesterday at summer camp...don't know if it's fractured or not), and went out to get the newspaper. On the front page there was a summary of some of the Supreme Court rulings from yesterday. I'm confused.

Judge Roberts wrote "We give the benefit of the doubt to speech, not censorship" in overruling the FEC's ban on pre-election ads (a right to life group in this case). Free speech rights take precedence over government restrictions on political advertising.

Then the next ruling I read about restricts student speech rights when the message seems to advocate illegal drug use. (By the way, Roberts ruled to restrict the kid's rights in this case).


I'm not advocating for drug use, and I certainly don't advocate for advertising illegal drugs to my kids. BUT. What gives? Free speech rocks and rules but only in certain cases?

I admit, I haven't read the cases thoroughly - only skimmed the headlines. But. I'm just sayin. It seems awfully hypocritical on the surface. If someone can explain it to me, I'd be appreciative.


lrd said...

Not sure what the relevance is, but it reminds me of this...

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."

J said...

I can't explain it. Sorry.

There's much that gets me riled about the court in its current configuration.