Monday, June 05, 2006

nice. not.

I am just not a very nice person. I'm really not. It totally sucks because I'd like to be nice, but it's just not there for me. I got in a minor debate/argument with my kids' principal at the PTA meeting tonight over funding for the chess club. (There's your fodder for dweeb of the year award - and I just handed it to you). But see, she was WRONG (clearly). Seriously - she really was wrong. She was stating her philosphy about funding select groups of students, and I had several clear examples of where that philosophy was violated. I guess it wasn't really so much that I debated her, but I guess I kind of ... interrupted her. But it was the TIME!! We were running late, and she was clearly wrong. I was only trying to speed up the debate process.


Told ya. Not a nice person.

I told DH that when our kids end up with horrible teachers for the first time next year, I'll know why. Dammit. Four years of PTA board work down the drain for the stinkin' chess club.

The chess club...which reminds me. I've sent this photo to some of you already, but this is what I found in the local paper the other day. It clearly explains just why my darling daughter is such a devoted member of the chess club.

She is in her own personal heaven there.


Anonymous said...

She does look like she's in her own personal heaven there and I swear, I thought that it was you in that photo!


Kanga Jen said...

Hello trouble!! ;-)
I love that you think E looks like me. I'll take that compliment any day!!

Almost through with baseball down there in the south? Or are you already finished? We still have about 1 week to go. Then we have a slight reprieve...until fall-ball. (sigh)
(I love it, I really do. I just like to complain)

Anonymous said...

You take that compliment and run with it PM. I did a double take on that picture. She's a doll and isn't that Q in the background? We finished softball at the end of April or the first of May, but I can't remember(I'm sure you know the feeling). OMG, fall ball! It's right around the corner, isn't it? I'm in the same boat about loving it and hating it at the same time. I didn't umpire this year because of health issues, but, I can't wait until next season so that I can put up with the grief again. LOL. I'm going to practice my comebacks early this year! Have you heard from Mare? We finally closed on our house and moved in. I'm never moving again unless I hire someone to come and do it from start to finish!!!!!

Ya'll take care and peace with everyone.
