Sunday, November 18, 2007


Thank you so much, J, for asking after me.

I'm fine. I've not been up to posting this past week simply because I've been so busy. It's mostly been good things (tm) that have kept me so occupied, so please interpret this as an explanation and not as a complaint. Besides, after being reminded of the schedule that one of my heroes (Ruthie) keeps, I'm hesitant to even mention my own supposed "busy-ness."

Here's one of the good things (tm) I've been busy with:

Fun stuff! Present neighbors and past neighbors with a healthy
(unhealthy?) dose of food and drink and games over a
long, long weekend.

Speaking of games, here's a fun game for you. Can you match the new tat to the face and to the body part?
(I'm so sorry J - please skip this part).

I am SO done with this portion of my mid-life crisis. It hurt WAY too much this time (I'm talking tears squeaking out of the corners of my eyes and finger imprints in the back of the chair. It was a wooden chair). I'm still having trouble making friends with this new tat because of that, in fact. I. Am. All. Done. I got the two symbols I was most interested in making a part of me for the rest of my life. All done. Besides, how can I top walking around the city with dear neighbor M (we had the two smaller tats {there's a hint for you} so we finished something like HOURS before the other two). Anyway, how can I top walking around with her through a somewhat questionable part of the city with her brandishing a package of tampons and ibuprofen and declaring that no one would DARE MESS WITH US NOW.


I cried at work today. Wonderboy couldn't tell (I don't think) because we were on the phone. (Maybe he could tell because he suddenly got very quiet and nice). I am so overwhelmed and so out of my element. I did not sign up for this responsibility. I was totally happy with my peon status. Truly. But in the spirit of continuing the work we do, I had no choice but to step up to take the wheel while Wonderboy is away playing with the political types at HQ. Did you know it is impossible to do a full time job in a 24 hour week? It really is. It's official. I am not Superwoman. And the imposter police are welcome to come bludgeon my poor pathetic attempt at being a scientist.

My PTA work is going well but only because I was smart (yay me) about getting the most awesome people ever to work on the committees. So despite the fact that I have no time and I am running around blubbering over feeling inadequate at work, our PTA stuff is busy being fabulous. Is it bad for me to want to take partial credit for that when I'm really not doing very much of the work? Tough. I'm doing it anyway.

Other trivia in the spirit of catch-up?

OMG, my man Mikey Lowell will be back with the Red Sox this year.

(DH is happy too. And J sent me a WOOHOO message today. I feel like I'm a little part of the Red Sox Nation. Sniff.). We're going to try to go to Boston during the next season to attend a game with J and another family we know up there. I can't wait!!! :-) :-) :-) Happy, happy, joy, joy...

My darling sister L is having a fantabulous time in NYC!!!! I got a call from her today as she was wandering around lost in Central Park after two hours of snow falling. She was as happy as I've ever heard her and was drunk on the taste of independence. I'm thinking I may need to drive up to NYC to pry her back to her home. Maybe she'll join me as an east-coaster one of these days??? L, I couldn't be happier for you.

That's most of my catch up. Oh, I lurved hearing dear neighbor M play violin at the St. Caecilia's day music presentation at UU that my dear friend Jamie directed. Got a little tear in my eye over that, too - the pure, pure love of music that Jamie has. They played a piece that Haydn wrote while in Eisenstadt, Austria, which (along with Jamie's eloquent words beforehand) brought back lovely memories of the sunflowers and wine and happiness of Austria. Have I mentioned that I want to go back? Next winter when Jamie and co. have moved back there for a year? So we can try skiing in the Alps? Hm....going straight from east coast slush to the Alps may be a bit of a leap. We'll see.

Lots of good things on the horizon. I'm ignoring CNN and the news and horrors in Bangladesh and worries of global warming and war and stuff that gives me nightmares. For now, I'm all friends and sisters and Mikey Lowell and Austria and new sunrooms. There's a glimpse of my "busy-ness." All good things (tm).


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear L is having the time of her life in lovely NYC. SO GLAD. And I'm glad you are happy in your busy-ness. I am too :)

J said...

Goodness - quite the catch-up!

Ruthie exhausts me just reading about her schedule. I try to tell myself she has youth on her side. It's the only way I don't feel like a complete slug.

I vote the tat that looks like writing - Indian?

We're up for a game just about any time, though April games can be rough, weather-wise. I should look into what number of people are required to get group tickets. I've blatantly asked for my Ellsbury shirt from the boys for Christmas. Even pointed out the Web link.

(A former Minnesota Twins blogger - Batgirl - promoted the concept of player boyfriends and total devotion to them. The cool thing about her definition and promotion of such "boyfriends" is that they are not (necessarily) romantic. Males can have player boyfriends, too. Her discussion is here: Basically, we need to adopt the concept of player boyfriends in Red Sox Nation. It's an idea that's time has come. I think I know who your boyfriend is, by the way. :-D )

From what I can tell, work is "interesting" for EVERYONE right now, myself included. Sigh.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

How brave of you to get a tatoo. I must admit I'd never even consider it. Too many needles!

Kanga Jen said...

J - yes, that's mine. It's an "om", a Buddhist (and Hindu) symbol. For Buddhists, it symbolizes the "wholeness" of the universe - the marriage of all forms of life (physical, mental, spiritual, etc). Well, it means that more or less. I'm obviously not Buddhist because it is forbidden in that religion to mar your body with tattoos. So it's kind of odd that I chose that one. Anyway, it fits in very well with my general spirituality and I love the idea of it.
I like the baseball boyfriend concept, lol. I've got me a boyfriend!!!! (I'm asking for a #25 jersey for Christmas). And I'm nearly certain Q will get an Ellsbury one, too.

Coffee - not really brave. The first one didn't hurt so I was totally not expecting the pain that came with this one. Naive is a better word.

Ruthie said...

"Is it bad for me to want to take partial credit for that when I'm really not doing very much of the work?"

Delegating is work!

"Did you know it is impossible to do a full time job in a 24 hour week? It really is. It's official. I am not Superwoman. And the imposter police are welcome to come bludgeon my poor pathetic attempt at being a scientist."

Someone should write a book about this "impostor police" phenomenon. You know you're more than capable of doing whatever gets thrown at you, but still... I wonder if men get this too.

Thanks for the shout out!