Sunday, September 23, 2007

stripping myself bare

I went back and read some of my older posts this weekend from months and months ago and dammit, but I used to write about some interesting stuff. I really want to be there again.

I've written about global warming recently, and about my life as a scientist, and I always write about my kids. I have not, however, written about my spiritual life for a while. And that is mainly because it is currently fraught with feelings of bitterness and anger and feeling quite sorry for myself and feeling very, very disappointed with what was my chosen spiritual home. I feel comfortable as an individual, but I feel so lonely because what I thought was the right place for me ended up not being so, despite my really, really wanting it to be.

Until about 7 years ago, I had not realized there was a chance in hell for my ever feeling a connection to a spiritual home ever again, not since I realized (when I was in my mid 20s) that I could not feel honest with myself about believing in a supernatural being (i.e. "GOD"). While I felt supremely comfortable with myself in this belief, I felt very out of place in the larger societal sphere (i.e., my home within humanity). (And yes, that is important to me.) I felt uncomfortable, that is, until I found the Unitarian Universalist church. And I was very happy there for a while. In that place, you are theoretically accepted as having valid spiritual beliefs whether those beliefs encompass Jesus Christ dying on the cross to save the world, or whether you believe in the Buddhist philosophy or whether the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster serves your spiritual needs. In that place (UU), we are all theoretically accepted as valid spiritual beings and there is an environment of tolerance that I craved not only for myself but most especially for my children. I enrolled my kids there in the religious education program in order for them to learn about love and tolerance and differences and the universe. I dove into the culture there, wanting to give more than I took.

And guess what? I definitely got what I wanted. I gave more than I took. Big time.

I terminated my membership there last month. And as a result I feel very sad. But I can't see that there was another way.

For my last 1.5 years there, I sacrificed my own spiritual feeding in order to teach the high school youth there at UU. I loved those HS kids. But it took a lot out of my own life. A lot. I spent countless Saturday nights frantically trying to piece together a lesson for the next morning because I did not like the curriculum we were using, and I did so at the expense of spending time with my own two kids. Forget spontaneous camping trips to the mountains. Forget Sunday mornings sleeping until we woke up without an alarm. I gave those days away. I also spent countless Sunday mornings teaching the the YRUU's in place of attending services and being spiritually fed myself. And when I finished my term of teaching? A little more than 3 months ago? I heard nary a word, nary a thank you, nary a "we'll miss you." N.O.T.H.I.N.G. The silence from this "loving" congregation was deafening. I felt ... absolutely.nothing ... from the other members there. Nothing.

After three months of a self-imposed hiatus from church this summer, the only correspondence I actually received were two emails, both asking me to commit (again) to volunteering more of my time with the youth. (My answer was "no," to the emails but in my reality was "hell no.") No one asked me how I was or where I had been or more importantly, how my children have been. There.Was.Nothing. No one was curious as to why I was no longer attending. The only question I heard was whether I would commit to continue to "serve."

And that? That was the end of it for me. While UU is the closest "church" I've found to meshing with my personal understanding of life and the universe, I decided that it was ultimately more about creating a beautiful image of itself and was less about being interested in the real people that are looking for a community to belong to.

I did hear from the UU ministers after I terminated my financial pledge. But you know what? I (notably) still have NOT heard a thank you from anyone for the time I gave. ANY ONE. for the freakin' YEARS that I spent giving in that congregation. I am speechless. And I am mad. And I realize that the caring that is espoused there is less toward the people and more toward the philosophy. And I am so not about that. There's more, too, that has upset me but I'm not going to get into that here.

I love so many of the people that go to that church. But I don't know that this is something I can get over. I really miss the sense of belonging to a spiritual community. But I realize that in the sense that is important to me, I never belonged anyway.


J said...

I am so sorry you had that experience. I'd be mad as hell, too.

I know you know this kind of thing is highly variable according to place and people. The people there clearly don't know what they have lost.

Again, I'm so sorry. It's not supposed to be like that.

(I'm wishing I had more interesting things to write about, too)

Anonymous said...

I kinda think your last gift to UU (especially the ministers) is to let them know how you feel. It's a glaring error in their structure, and a good sermon on appreciating each other might begin to change things around. They are still good people, just have some blinders on. (I want good stuff for my grandkids)

Anonymous said...

J, you touch more people's lives than you know. A thank you to me makes me melt. It's all that I ever want from giving someone something. It makes me feel warm inside whenever someone is genuinely appreciative and say thank you. I can't believe that that they've mistreated you like that, but it goes on alot more than people realize in religious organizations, marriages, families, all of that. My older brother is probably the most selfish, arrogant, self centered person on the planet... I can tell you a story or 20 sometime..... Most all of us get to the same point as you. I haven't even talked to my brother in almost 3 years now and J is right. It's not supposed to be like that. It just is, though.

Oh, the wisdom of your Mother. I sure would love to give em a piece of my mind too! LOL... I'd have to write down what I wanted to say, first, though! The words get all fudged up trying to come out! LOL..

Keep your chin up.


Kanga Jen said...

Thanks, all.

Mom, I did tell them why I was taking a break. Not sure how much of an impact I had. They are busy, I guess, and I'm a lower priority.

My kids were also increasingly irritated and bored with their Sunday School programs. We all just need some time away.

Trouble, I don't think I realized you hadn't been in touch with your brother for so long. That sucks. THANK YOU for being such a good friend and staying in touch with me even when I'm absolutely horrible about it (I know how horrible I am!)

Ruthie said...

I'm very sorry to hear that.

They clearly don't fully appreciate what they're losing.

How disappointing.

Anonymous said...

It really does suck, J... My brother was/is always like that and I got tired of him always taking advantage of me and then making me feel guilty because I wasn't doing enough for him. He's even already trying to divide up my Mom's things for his inheritance! Mom's never been healthier! Pete told me that he asked for several things and I hit the roof! I've never been madder at someone, but it didn't surprise me. There are way too many "other" things that have happen for me to air out, J.

You do keep in touch, BTW... Every time that I read your blog. I love to read what's going on so that I can relate and get different view points.


Lynne Thompson said...

I pity the fools. so sorry. I know how it feels...we are currently churchless ourselves.
Love LT

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

I so know where you're coming from. It's happened to me in my church. It happened to me at my kids' old school. People take other people for granted, then get shirty when those taken for granted decide not to be anymore. Sad that you felt you had to leave your church, but maybe you'll find another home. And think of all the time you have for your family now.

Kanga Jen said...

Thank you Ruthie and Lynne. Lynne, I think I remembered that you are "churchless" now but thought I remembered that you were hopeful? Is that not going to work out?

Trouble - thank you for saying you like reading my blog. But communication goes two ways. You either need to start your own blog or I need to do better about writing and listening to you!! :-)

Coffee - yes!!! Thank you! So far, our Sundays together have been limited to sleeping late and not doing much of anything, but that's something, you know? Maybe we can get in some camping later this fall. There's a lot we can do that is totally spiritual in the family sense. And when it comes down to it, THAT is what I really want.

Anonymous said...

Hi J... I wasn't just saying that I like to read your blog. I truly get a kick/cry/get screaming mad/sad sometimes whenever I read your blog. I am just an average writer and I don't think that I'd be good at blogging. I'm very "guarded" and have been since I was an itty bitty baby. Kinda like you were, but on a totally different level. It took so long for me to "let people/things in" that most everyone lost interest in getting to know me. LOL. Hence the bad behavior.... I didn't want anyone in. LOL...

As far as the 2 way communication goes, this is 2 way for me. :)...

OMG... I'm going to Regina's 20 year reunion on the 6th... All of her friends want to meet me..... Tell you the truth, I'm mortified on the inside! Maybe you're right and I should start a blog so that even if I can't or won't say what's on my mind or bothering me, I can at least write it. It's so weird because whenever I finally got a chance to go to college in the very late 90s, whenever I had to write any kind of paper, I always thought about a week in advance about what I wanted to say and whenever I sat down, it just spilled out with only a few lull periods. Some of the stories that I wrote were fictional, but some of them were real life things, but I didn't tell anyone. LOL. I figured, Who's gonna know the difference? Sorry for rambling, I better get back to work,,, lunch break is just about over.

I bet the weather is starting to get crisp for you. Our's is still the same, but the humidity dropped to 89% the other day! LOL.

