Monday, September 18, 2006

stream o' consciousness rambling/IOW, no coherent subject to this post

Well duh.

I drove down to work this morning, which, you may or may not know, is not an insubstantial distance for me. About, oh, 2 miles from the front gate, I realized that I'd left my laptop at home. So I went into my office to inform WONDERBOY and Gaochen that I was a complete doofus. But such is the beauty of telecommuting. I drove home and put in my hours here in my cozy office, with Roxy sleeping at my feet. I can't do it all the time because I am entirely too social, but this flexibility is DA BOMB!!!! YAY for family-friendly, employee-friendly trends.

I bought a clarinet for my firstborn this weekend!!! After about 5 panicked calls to my poor dad the retired banddirector, I've ordered him a Buffet student clarinet. I had absolutely no idea I was going to be this worked up or excited about Q starting band. Is this why children are so fun? You get to relive parts of your childhood, and then some? Plus, I'm all giddy about Q being the next in the gene pool to be a musician. These gene pools are amazing, magical things.

There's no reason for me to post this picture other than I love my mom and dad like crazy. This was taken this spring over Mother's Day weekend and I forgot to send it to mom. (Sorry!)

Seems my melancholy is beginning to disappear. You know what caused it? (Time for feeling naked now). I got sloppy taking my antidepressants. Yes, I am a member of the masses of folks taking antianxiety/antidepressant medication. I fought it for years. I thought it was a fad and was the realm of yuppie fast-solution laziness (other than those who really needed it, of course). Certainly, I wasn't someone who *really* needed it, was I?

Sometime after 9/11, sometime after living through having cancer (hernia) and M.S. (pinched nerve), I realized that I could continue to deny I had a problem with anxiety or see if medication might help. It's been pretty damned obvious to me in the aftermath. If I needed any confirmation that it helps make my life better, it's these last months when I got sloppy with keeping up with my dosage and ended up in the middle of a multi-month long bought of melancholy.

Modern medicine is amazing stuff.

So now I am excited about the fall. Send along the smell of fires, the leaves being thrown around by the wind, the colors of orange and brown, the anticipation of winter snow. Bring on football and sweaters and pumpkin pie and chili. I'm ready for you now. :-)

Oh, and if you didn't notice in my side bar, my alter-ego Mare has a blog now too. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


So glad you are feeling better! I will send you a little piece of autumn from Colorado in the mail this week (courtesy of my latest craft craze).

Great photo of "our" parents. And whoo hoo! Another band kid! The world needs more band kids!