Tuesday, July 12, 2005

my life as a dog

To see what kind of dog you are, you will want to visit this site:

I am (apparently) a Basenji, othwise known as the Congo Bush dog, or the barkless African dog. This dog yodels instead of barks, and washes itself like a cat. They are odor-free and are described as intelligent, but in a hoodlum, why-do-I-need-to-obey-humans sort of way rather than a high-scoring SAT sort of way.

Yeah. OK. What to think?

I answered for Marion and came up with her being a field spaniel.
Personality: Despite its apparent disproportion this is in fact a good sporting dog with an equable temperament. It is adaptable and able to fit into family life and fieldwork, helping people kill animals.

First - the disproportion thing...don't know where that came from, I swear. Its head is big. I did *not* tell it that about you. Really.
The killing animals thing - well that is just creepy.

I'm off to the living room to watch the All-Star game. Matt Clement of the Red Sox is pitching and he's the one that stood around for 20 or 30 minutes before the Red Sox/Orioles game we were at last week to sign autographs for kids (one of which went to my son). Nice guy, despite sporting an Abe-Lincolnish looking sort of beard.
And Johnny Damon too.


Anonymous said...

I'd forgotten about this! Did it years ago. I usually end up as a spaniel of some kind--Sussex this time. Jodie

Anonymous said...

Your niece Ariel turned out as an Australian Terrier. It likes to kill snakes.

Kanga Jen said...

Oh no!!! That is hilareous. Did you tell Kelly?

Kanga Jen said...

Jodie - why always a spaniel I wonder? I'd take that as a good sign. They're pretty happy dogs, aren't they?