Tuesday, July 26, 2005

culinary delights

My poor children are being subjected to one weird dinner tonight. They'll have canned tamales and Couscous. This is a result of working a full 8 hour day and not getting home until almost 6, combined with being too lazy to keep up with the shopping. But they seem happy enough with the menu so there's really not a problem, other than finding something for myself to eat. Unfortunately we finished up the canned spaghetti-oes a few nights ago. I've had two cheese sticks and a glass of wine to tide myself over for a while until I search through the fridge again and find something that strikes me.

I've advertised this blog now to a few of my friends and family and am wondering if it should have a theme or just continue to be random meanderings of whatever strikes me at the time.

...Update to the above described menu for the smaller ones. They have decided to add a "fluffer-nutter" to their dinner, which is a delicacy best described as a peanut butter sandwich with jarred marshmallow cream instead of jelly. Why not? If tamales and couscous go together then I guarantee there is no better accompanyment than the "fluffer-nutter." Bon appetite.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I like random thoughts just fine 8-).. Jodie

Anonymous said...

Re Picture: He is becoming a handsome young man!

Kanga Jen said...

Why thank you!!!