Friday, July 17, 2009

morning haiku

pre-ground hazelnut
bitter and mellow and smooth
the hot bites my tongue

muted morning sun
air so still it suffocates
thunderstorm looming

Jillian Michaels
waits in the dvd; come
I sigh, I obey


Snowbrush said...

Did you know? Oregon grows 98% of all U.S. hazlenuts (aka filberts)? Here's a link:

Jillian Michaels, I had to look up. She sounded like more fun before I knew who she was.

Kanga Jen said...

I did not know about the Oregon/hazelnut connection. Now I have some good party trivia in my back pocket, so thank you. ;-)

Jillian Michaels - 3 weeks of 6x/week. I can't figure out if I love her or hate her.

Lynne Thompson said...

Love it. Love it. You are a poet. I can almost feel the calm, taste the coffee. I admire your workout habits...just started walking recently....good luck!

lrd said...

Three Richardson girls.
Oldest has all the talent.
Sorry sweet Tracy.

Holly Jahangiri said...

I love these!

Holly Jahangiri said...

Isn't it time for an update?? Hint, hint!