Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A rough day for some of us

My poor husband has had a rough day. First, he was cut-off on the way to work by some guy who was lost and weaving from lane to lane, resulting in DH having to slam on the breaks, resulting in the crockpot of meatballs and sauce he was taking to a work party spilling all over the car. :-O It's not really "new" anymore since it's a year old but there was still a hint of newcar smell to it. Nevermore I fear. I guess we'll have eau de'meatsauce now - or worse, eau de'meatsauce-left-in-a-hot-car. Gag. DH says he cleaned it up but I've been afraid to even go look.

Then tonight while making spaghetti for us (to go with the leftover meatballs and sauce that survived the car incident) he learned why all good chefs break raw spaghetti such that the broken section is on a trajectory AWAY from your face. He ended up with a piece of raw spaghetti in his eye. And I swear I was really trying hard not to laugh. In particular, I stopped laughing and yelled at him in horror when he went to the bathroom and grabbed some tweezers to try to get the piece out. I was able to convince him to first try the oh, somewhat less invasive method of running water over his eye before resorting to plucking it out with tweezers (and he has the shakiest hands I've ever seen, too...horrors). Yes, the water worked.

It's much calmer here now. DH is listening to some baseball game on xm radio, so he's pretty much back to normal. I'm about to go clean out the rest of those meatballs because my word, they are tasty. Picturing them scattered over the floorboard of my car just brings me to tears. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Hint to John....never NEVER break the spaghetti. Let the kids have slurping contests with the longer strands.

Sorry about the meatball incident though.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, and I know how you tend to laugh when tradegy strikes...instead of HELPING the person. Sorta like that time we were driving home from college and a huge bug hit my windshield and made a u-turn through the window right into my mouth. Yeah, thanks for all the help you gave me on that. Collapsed in your seat shaking in uncontrollable laughter while I try to steer the Gremlin over to the side of the road with bug guts hanging out of my mouth. Poor john.